
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

transformation: week one

my devotionals have been on transformation: letting GOD change you from the inside out. i've also been reading a book on giving and stewardship. i'd say these are fitting subjects for this time of my life. i am looking to be transformed in a few areas, and i've been wanting to give more and get involved in some type of community service.

when i lived in northeast georgia, i got the opportunity to help out once a month at a church with their mobile food pantry. we sorted food and then loaded it into cars for people. i went from just sorting to interacting directly with the people coming for the food. i enjoyed it so much, and i miss that. i began attending that church because of the pastor's passion and action in reaching out to the community. he put his vision to action, and i was inspired. i'm looking for that again.

so far, my desire to get healthier has been going well. the big battles haven't found me yet. i've done really well not eating when i'm not hungry, and i've been able to stop when i'm full. i've even gotten a little more exercise in.

i've also been able to get a lot accomplished on ministry. i was able to spend over an hour on it yesterday. in fact, i'm about to spend some time on putting together powerpoint for one of my sessions. this one is about how JESUS treated and valued women during his time on earth. i love it!

i'm optimistic about having another successful day. with GOD, i can accomplish all this and more.

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