
Tuesday, January 12, 2010

be yourself; turn up the volume

i came across someone's link the other day. it was about having fun. and there was one thing that stuck out in my mind ever since. i'm probably paraphrasing a bit, but here goes...find out who you are. be yourself. and turn up the volume.

and so that's what i've been doing. i'm tiring myself out trying to live up to the standards that others have for me. it's time i reconnect with myself. it's time i accept myself for who i am. it's time i start to like me again. and it's time to turn up the volume... and i've had a blast these past few days.

i'm hope being hope. i do feel like myself again. tonight, someone told me they enjoyed talking to me yesterday and although my name is hope, i am full of joy. and she's right. i am. at least the real me is. and it feels good to be me. i've had some wonderful conversations with some fun and nice people who have taken the time to get to know the real me and accept me.

i'm not perfect. i don't always say and do the "right" thing at the "right" time. but i don't have to be perfect. GOD just expects me to be the best me i can be. i am not going to please everybody, but i think it's time i narrow my list of those i truly need to one. that would be GOD. and if he's happy. i'm happy. and probably so are many of those around me. =)

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