
Monday, March 8, 2010

i get to clean up =)

once again, i'm working on my perspective. i have heard many times: "my perspective is my reality." now there may be some truth in that. however, those i've heard repeat that phrase all too often are just trying to justify their poor choices. just because we believe something doesn't make it real or true.

but like i said...there may be some truth in that depending on how we apply it. many times, my perspective becomes my reality. i was watching joel osteen on sunday, and he spoke about how we determine so much of our reality. if our perspective is sour and negative, our reality becomes sour and negative. on the flip, if our perspective is joyful and positive, our reality becomes joyful and positive. the more i tell myself something, the more apt it is to become true. here's an example:

joel osteen said we shouldn't say things like... "i have to go to work." rather, we should say... "thank you, GOD, that i get to go to work." the one that really got me? "i have to clean up." so i've decided to thank GOD that i have a roof over my head, furnished with all our needs and a good many luxuries. i get to clean up. i have something to clean up. there are many in the world who don't have that.

my perspective is my reality. and my reality is that GOD loves me and takes care of all my needs. he has given me a beautiful and wonderful family. he has given me a home. we have never gone hungry. he has given me spiritual and emotional healing, people who love me, and so much more. philippians 4:8 says, "And now, dear brothers and sisters, one final thing. Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise." if that's my perspective, i have an incredible reality.

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